Title: Dune
Author: Frank Herbert
Genre: F
John’s Read:
Dune is a work of science fiction.
The fantasy parts (if one wishes to call them that) come from having to imagine
oneself in a different time in a different place. The human aspects, the
universals, are already there for people with which to amply identify. Be it
politics, war, attraction, love, or what have you, the experiences are easy to
take as one's own.
The war strategy, the tactics, the human emotions in conflict or in love, the political aspects, the ideals of honor, these are all there. Presented in a believable way with discriptive verse, the story unfolds with humor, teaching and learning, and with adventure. For sci-fi fans, it is a classic. To be read in 2015 might prove a hinderance to some because the desert setting and fight for freedom may remind one of the conflicts in our Mid-East. To others, however, the characters' struggles for liberty will be all that more poignant. A definite recommend.
The war strategy, the tactics, the human emotions in conflict or in love, the political aspects, the ideals of honor, these are all there. Presented in a believable way with discriptive verse, the story unfolds with humor, teaching and learning, and with adventure. For sci-fi fans, it is a classic. To be read in 2015 might prove a hinderance to some because the desert setting and fight for freedom may remind one of the conflicts in our Mid-East. To others, however, the characters' struggles for liberty will be all that more poignant. A definite recommend.