Title: Enter the Quiet: Everyone's Way to Meditation
Author: Whitehill, James
Call Number: 158 w592E
Subject: Meditation
My read:
In the book there are many ways to practice meditation. The one I have been practicing is walking meditation. Though the practice I have taken was different from the book the purpose of the practice stayed the same: to have a calm and balanced mind. While reading this book I took on the sitting meditation practice. It's too early to say how effective this practice would be. At page 139 it states: Meditation should be a freeing discipline, not another habit. Yet at page 136 it also says: Since meditation is a daily practice, the exercises you can best fit in are exercises done as part of your daily routine.
I believe in practices and routines; it helps me to improve self-discipline.
Key words: centering meditation, just sitting, relaxed and alert, awareness, quiet, calm