The story talks about “how the bear lost his tail.” The fox decided to play a trick on the bear. When the bear walked by, he saw many fat fish in a circle on the ice around the fox. Down in the fishing hole, the fox twitched his tail and pulled of another fat fish.
The bear wants to try to catch the fat fish, the fox took the bear to the shallow part of the lake where he knew very well that no fish could be found in the winter. The fox said to the bear “turn your back and place your tail in the hole, then when a fish grabs your tail, pull it out.” Then the fox went home to sleep in his cozy bed.
The next morning, the fox went to check on him. The bear was snoring so loudly that the fox shook with laughter and he quietly crept up close to the bear’s ear and shouted: Now bear! The bear woke up startled and pulled with great force the part of his tail that was stuck to the ice. The fox swiftly ran away as the angry bear chased him.
To this day, the bear has a short tail and no love for the fox. So, if you hear a bear moaning in the woods remember that he may still be upset about his lost tail and how the fox tricked him.
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