Title: Monday Morning
Leadership: 8 Mentoring Sessions You Can’t Afford to Miss
Author: Cottrell, David
Subjects: Leadership;
Management; Employee Motivation; Labor Productivity
Call Number: 658.314 C851M
ISBN: 9780971942431
Number of Pages: 112 p
Book Description:
This is the story of a youngish Fortune 500 Company
Manager named Jeff
Walters. Jeff is in a slump.
He has work load issues, people issues, hiring
issues, performance issues,
and more. Playing golf one day, he sees Tony
Pearce, a semi-retired
business leader who now writes books and coaches
top executives.
had met Tony years ago through his Dad, and Tony had
written him a note
congratulating him on his graduation from college,
noting that now the learning
would really begin, wishing him success and
offering to talk to him
about personal and business issues. The note also
said he would be honored to
allow Jeff to learn from (Tony’s) experiences.
Jeff called Tony and was
elated that Tony remembered him. He asked Tony
for help and Tony agreed as
long as Jeff agreed to meet on eight
successive Monday mornings
and also as long as Jeff agreed to teach
others the lessons he
met each Monday for eight weeks and as Jeff discussed the problems he was
having managing and leading his department, Tony offered some relevant lessons.
set some ground rules for the meetings; start and finish on time, tell the
truth and try something different. He also gave Jeff some homework to do
between sessions (http://www.rsbvc.com/pdfs/8_Mentoring_Sessions.pdf).
My Read/Highlights
of the Sessions
Session #1-Driver and Passenger
Be a driver: Until you
accept total responsibility-no matter what-you will not be able to put plans in
place to accomplish your goals. Transitioning from manager to leader requires
that you make different decisions.
--You have control over how
you react to situations. What happens when you place blame is that you focus on
the past when you accept responsibility, you focus on this time forward on the
Session #2-Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing
People have different
perceptions of what the main thing is
People quit people before
they quit companies
This session focuses on the
importance of healthy communication and setting priorities.
Session #3-Escape from Management Land
Have good people
(employees): GOOD people is the most valuable asset an organization owns
Coach every member of the
team to become better
--Get in touch with your
--Your job is not to lower
the bottom by adjusting and accommodating the falling stars. You should be
raising the top by recognizing and rewarding superstar behaviors. The usual
percentage of employees is as followed;
30 % superstars
50 % middle stars
20 % falling stars
Session #4-The Do Right Rule
Develop your action plan
before you get into a crisis
Guard your integrity like
it’s your most precious management possession
--What matter to your team
is what you do
Session #5-Hire Tough
The most important asset in
your company is having the RIGHT PEOPLE on the team. The greatest liability in
your company could be having the WRONG PEOPLE on your team.
Never lower your standards
just to fill a position. You will pay for it later.
Session #6-Do Less or Work Faster
Your time is your
responsibility. Take control of your time so you can take control of your life.
Look for small increments of
time by prioritizing, limiting interruptions, and effectively managing meetings
Session #7-Buckets and Dippers
Fill lots of buckets: know
the main things; give feedback on performance; provide recognition; communicate
the team score
The more buckets you fill
the more your bucket is filled
Session #8-Entering the Learning Zone
Live in the learning zone:
get out of the comfort zone; read 10 minutes a day; listen to people; give
back; set goals; stay positive
A manager and a leader is a
positive role model for others.
The part I like the most and enjoy sharing with my
friends in this book is as followed: “You learn more by reading more. I’m
living proof that the more you learn, the more you earn.” “Did you know most
people don’t read one non-fiction book in a year? You’d think books must be
scarce or expensive. But there is an abundance of books at every PUBLIC
LIBRARY, waiting for people to simply walk in and check them out-at no
charge-free!” (p 86) “So much life is about attitude and how we handle what
life throws our way. Life is good-even when a situation appears to be the
worst. Stay positive and help make another’s life better!” (p90)
Dehire the people who aren’t
carrying their share of the load
Cottrell, D. Monday
morning leadership. Dallas,
TX: Cornerstone Leadership
Institute, 2009. Print.
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