Title: Weird But True! 2: 300 Outrageous Facts
Call Number: 031.02 w425
It's a series of books show us 300 more amazing facts in each that are too strange to believe.
Weird But True! (2)
* Recycling one soda can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours.
* French fries came from Belgium, not France.
* Caterpillars have mouths, but butterflies don't.
* Wearing a hat on your head helps warm your feet.
* All cats are born with blue eyes.
* An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
* Alligator's eggs hatch male babies in hot temperatures and female babies in cooler temperatures.
* Chewing gum can make your heart beat faster.
* The 50 tallest mountains in the world are all in Asia.
* A dog's nose print is as unique as a human fingerprint.
* The Great Wall of China spans roughly 4,500 miles, that's almost as long as the continent of Africa.
* Chickens see daylight 45 minutes before humans do.
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