Title: The Case of the Daring Divorcee
Author: Gardner, Erle Stanley
Genre: Mystery
Book description from amazon.com
While Perry Mason and Della Street were away from
the office a woman came in who feared for her life. But after giving her
name, Adelle Hastings, she stepped out to the corridor and did not
return. Then Perry received a phone call from Mr. Huntley L. Banner who
is representing Garvin S. Hastings in the divorce. So Perry gets Paul
Drake to investigate the individuals. Perry and Della follow the clues
by flying to Las Vegas to investigate Adelle Hastings. Now the
complications begin (Chapter Three). Adelle Hastings tells her story.
Perry points out the inconsistencies, and says the police are too
thorough and clever to be fooled by it. If Adelle was telling the truth
she has an imposter pulling tricks on her. On the return charter flight
Perry learns that a young woman had questioned the pilot about them
(Chapter Four)! Adelle has realized that something is very wrong, and
comes to see Perry at his office (Chapter Five). And yes, they learn
that Garvin S. Hastings has been murdered. Then Huntley L. Banner calls
with information he just got from Garvin Hastings! There is an
educational part about people in a line-up who appear similar. Did
Garvin fail to make a will to provide for Adelle, his third wife? Could
his second wife have cooked up this scheme?
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