Saturday, October 31, 2015

Next Stage/October 27, 2015 A Tuesday

October 25, 2015, a Sunday, is my last day at the branch in which I began my library career. The branch is my root where I discovered what I would like to do and do what I would like. It's the place I found my new self. Eight years, since January 17, 2007 I have spent my golden waking hours collecting, sorting, shelving, shelf-reading, weeding library materials. Then later years I served as an adult librarian; answering reference questions, giving information, running programs, etc. During those learning years, I have acquired friends whom, some, I call "mom." Patrons become my dear friends and one became my colleague. The place provided me a training and learning ground but it's the people who grew and nurtured me. Million of thank-you to my precious patrons.
The attached pictures came from my new branch.; I reported to the new branch October 27, 2015, a Tuesday. As you can see we are getting ready for the grand opening day. Everyday I walked in, I touched the books, and I felt I am filling in my energy and passion into the new branch. I am going to live in with my best friend in the library: the library collections. People come and go. Assignments changed. But Collections are always there. They may come in and get out with good reasons. But they will be there all the time as I get to work. My best friend will listen to me, talk to me, and give me comfort when I am in need of such.
Over the years, I have learned precious lessons from my mentor: to always serve the public, and be positive.
It's the latter one that changed me and gave me a new life. Instead of saying challenge I see opportunity.
Now I left my root, it means that I graduated from kindergarten and look forward to being a first grader.
It's a new page I am going to write as a librarian, a real one.
The following are my guidelines and motto:

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