Title: Healing From the Inside Out: Overcome Chronic disease and Radically Change Your Life
Author: Naeem, Nauman
Call Number: 616.044 N139H 2017
Book Description from amazon:
This book takes you on a journey to the very core of your being. This is done through unravelling layers and layers of density that most of us accumulate throughout our lives, and which often initiate and perpetuate chronic disease. Once you touch the light of your being, you illuminate the dark recesses of your thoughts, emotions and your physical body, thus facilitating the healing of any chronic illness. The exercises given in this book allow you to gain more clarity about your life’s mission, heal old emotional wounds, lift subconscious blocks, remove limiting beliefs, enter the natural flow of the Universe and fearlessly embrace uncertainty. Dr. Naeem is a critical care specialist, pulmonologist and palliative care specialist, whose unique insights into healing stem from caring for tens of thousands of critically and chronically ill patients for more than a decade in two countries. This experience, combined with his own search for the meaning of existence and the true nature of ultimate reality, has culminated into the incredible journey which is the subject of this book.
My Read:
Main Point of this book is summarized at page 167:
All chronic diseases have their roots in deeper aspects of our being, and the physical body is simply the final place where they manifest.
Page 165-It is not simply the environment that affects your genetic expression but how you respond to your environment. Your response to your environment is conditioned by your subconscious mind, your emotional self, your vibrational frequency, and, ultimately your spiritual self. The development of illness, thus, ties back to the higher aspects of your being, which is why healing is a more comprehensive and holistic approach to dealing with disease than simply seeking a cure.
Page 172- Awareness is a type of knowing, but it is deeper than simply knowing as it is also involves focused attention. This focused attention can be directed toward anything within ourselves or outside ourselves. Awareness is the key to getting someone to a place where they can start to heal by setting their intention.
Page 176-The beauty of life's journey is that it is always trying to lead you back to your true nature, and your illness is just a signpost to show you that you have deviated away from who you truly are. There are no mistakes, no problems, and nothing to regret in life. Everything that you experience and suffer through in this world is just there to show you the way back to your true self, your whole self, your naturally healed self.
Page 38-The healing process has nine parts:
Intention: Self and Universe
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