Title: “CSI: The Case of the Missing
Moola”, Published 2012 by Simon and Schuster
Patti's Read:
Ben, Han, and Corey are three close friends in the seventh
grade. This story tells of the adventure
at their school which led to them to use their extracurricular three person
Forensic Science Club skills to solve the missing class trip money at school.
The seventh graders were having a fund raiser to provide
their class share of monies to pay for a class trip to Washington D.C. Mrs. Ramirez collected all the money of those
students present on a certain day.
The money box was opened later so that all the student
money envelopes could be recounted and turned into the office. The money box was found to be $100. short.
As the days go on, and the three detectives investigate,
various people are suspected and cleared.
Finally the three come across Greg, a student who admits to taking the
money to pay for a Quark Pad that he claimed was only $100., from a Nick and
The student detectives know that the pads cost a lot more
than that and set up a “sting” with the principal and police alerted so that
the crooks could be caught. They are
successful and find that Nick and Alex have been stealing the pads and selling
them cheap. The two are arrested.
Greg admits he took the money and the school is letting him
pay it off in installments.
Quark Pad Company was so happy the thieves were caught that they made a
generous cash contribution to the school and that more than covered the rest of
the money needed to fully finance the trip.
They also gave each of the three student detectives their own Quark Pad
as a reward for such great work.
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