Thursday, October 11, 2012

Good Luck? Or Destined?

           “I missed you, Mei-Wan” said Jennifer as the two of us passed the hallway exchanging our “good morning” when I walked in the building; yesterday was my scheduled day off. “I know.” But the thing Jennifer didn’t know about was when she said so my heart was full and her saying made me teary. The message she sent was “Mei-Wan is needed. Mei-Wan matters here at this branch library.” If everyone would be just like Jennifer who is not shy or afraid to express how real she feels good about someone, someone like me, the library would be like a big family, a place we spend the most fruitful and the most precious golden 8 hours of the day, then anything great could be made and happened, any hardships, challenges, or difficulties would become valuable factors to the branch’s and the staff’s achievements and successes. My philosophy for relationships is when someone does something good to you don’t hesitate to express how grateful you become, how good it feels, and don’t forget to return the same doing to the person and sincerely say “I like what you just do to me. Thank you.”
            Thank you, Jennifer. You are great!
            There were many good things happened 15 minutes before we closed this evening. “It might not be in your system but I would like to try my luck.” The lady said so to me as I met her and asked “What can I do for you?” “The title is ‘The Lost Wife, by…” I didn’t wait for her to finish her sentence as my fingers flew and danced on the keyboard. “Uh huh..” I replied as I watched the screen and clicked icons to see the results. “Wait. Tonight might be your lucky night.” I looked at her as I stood up and left my seat hurrying to the adult fiction area. I jogged with expectation and excitement; I also heard her footsteps following me.
            “You got it! Tonight is really my lucky night. Thank you.” “Would you like to try and use the self-check out machine? We have two at this branch.” I talked as my hands and fingers asking the machine to work for us. Oops! “You have some fine you had better to clear and pay before you check out.” “No problem. Do I pay you?” “Please follow me; I will take care of you.” At the circulation desk, Jennifer was chatting with this gentleman. He looked at me with his enlarging eyes “telling and asking” me “well, I know you, do you know me?” “You…huh, you are the..” He didn’t wait for me to finish for he sensed my hesitation. What a caring and understanding soul he is! He said “That’s right. You helped me the other day with this exchange student.” Now I recognized him. “Yes!” Then I faced back to the lady with a fine.
            “It’s good luck that I stopped by tonight and asked for the book. I don’t mind to pay the fine for I consider it a contribution to the library.” “It’s Destiny.” “Besheret.”  Then she asked me: “Where do you come from” “Taiwan.” The lady stepped back and held her heart as if she was hit by a bolt of thunder. “My 5th grade teacher used to teach us some system using a chart. She came from Taiwan.” “Destiny” “Besheret” Now I was curious about the word she repeated so I gave her a piece of paper for her to write down that strange/new word for me. Here is what she wrote down on that tiny paper:
“Besheret-means two souls that are destined to cross…I think of it as our stars/souls crossing paths.” There were more on the back. It said: “Kveling-used by parents or grandparents to children…a pride for that which you created.” At the end she wrote her name and phone number. As we proceeded to checked out her book I showed her my blog. Later I gave her my name card and wrote down my blog’s site address for her. And I gave her 6 tea bags telling her to savor tea while she reads my blog articles. “Sure do” with a smile.
            Back to the gentleman talking to Jennifer.
He showed us pictures he took the 6 days while the exchange student was staying with him and his family. In addition showing him my blog I gave him 6 tea bags held in a plastic cup, the same treat from me to the lady. By now the lady has a name: Sherri. As he explained how a mooncake tasted like I playfully accused his absence of my program for I was the person introducing him knowledge of mooncakes. “Come to my next program. Better yet, become one of my program sponsors, will you?” He smiled and told me he would like to read my blog first as I handed him my name card. After hand shake and exchange of good evening, Sherri left with the prize: the book titled “The Lost Wife.”  Sherri also shook hand with the gentleman. I couldn’t help myself but laugh; at that moment it felt like we were having a hand-shake party this evening.
            “May I have your name in case I write a post about tonight?” I asked the gentleman. Instead of writing down his name on the tiny paper I gave him, he gave me his name card. Now he is somebody! “Kent. Everybody calls me ‘Kent’.”
            After Lynette, our branch manager, helped Kent check out items through the self-check out machine I walked him to the doors. “What do you listen to? I asked as I browsed the CDs and DVDs held at his hand. He explained what they are and why he checked them out. Further, he told me he listened to the CDs as he commutes to work and on the way home. Our conversation didn’t stop after we walked into the darkness. “When will be your usual work days and hours?” Kent asked me as we pushed the doors out to the front. “Hardly did I take a day off for I like to work here. Almost everyday” Now it’s my turn to satisfy my curiosity. “How did you find time at this late hour to come to the library? You are a busy man and you have a wife and two kids.” “Oh, I like the library and read books. I come here quite often; usually on Saturdays.” Then we talked more about the role the public library plays in a person’s life as we walked. “The public library matters.” I said as I looked at him, a person who likes and appreciates the services the public library provides.
            “Good night and don’t forget to stop by to say ‘Hi’ to me, ok?” “Sure do.”
            Good luck? Or destined? You tell me!!!


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