Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October Reading Meeting

October Reading Meeting
Attendees: Ruby, Abby, Mei-Wan
Place: Library Bio Area
Time: Oct. 31, 2012 12 pm
            The decision of next reading meeting was made today: it would be held on November 28, 2012, 12 pm in the library. And next Tea Time with Librarians would be next Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 12 pm in the library. Members are welcome to bring their goodies to share with their friends.
            Who said being slow is bad? At least, that’s not the case today. Ruby came late but she was the first and only member showed up today. Due to her daughter’s going back to the west coast, Lily, with help from Ruby, sent her apology telling us she was occupied and would miss today’s monthly meeting. Family comes first and we were proud of Lily having such a great family time with her precious princess. Fiona was absent because there is a family in need of her kind heart and caring soul to prepare and deliver food; the family is facing a crisis and fighting a difficult battle. The kindness and generosity given in an untimely, unthinkable crisis reveal a person’s authentication of compassion, wholeheartedness, care, and love. A friend in need is a friend indeed!!
            Though only three members were present there was no moment of being dull, boring, or slow. Opportunity presents itself for those who are well-oiled, properly equipped, and ready to shine. Today was Ruby’s show for not only did she become articulate and talkative she was also able to improvise and play along with the librarians who asked plenty of questions to bring out what’s buried and hidden in everyone’s head, mind, and heart. It’s like a screenplay was composed by the three participants and played right then when the story was still smoking, fresh from the oven made of three women. I looked back and forth of Abby and Ruby as they played the game of calling each other to ask the other person out. It’s a play of genius. I am so proud!
            Summaries of Ruby’s and Abby’s have made me feel ashamed and a bit guilty for I was the only one failed to provide one. Still, being the hostess, I had to share with what I have had to be fair. The book I am reading is about journey of souls. The cases and stories told in the book are about real people and real events taken place in the author’s office for he was a hypnotist with a PhD degree. The mention of the book and some cases in the book changed the topics allowing each of us to share views and points about souls, human beings, and life itself.
            At the meeting I shared what reading means to me. Reading is not just about books. We read events, the changes of seasons, the clouds high in the sky, each passing vehicle driven by a person we might never meet before or again. We read people. We read a person’s body language, her eyes, her outfit; we might read a person’s soul by hearing, feeling, smelling, touching. Reading is not limited by format, form, or shape.   
Reading is about life. As we walk the roads of life, we encounter things visible and unseen. With help of reading we gather information, gain knowledge, cultivate wisdom, grow our mind, and develop our soul. Sincere reading allows us to learn about things, decipher messages delivered by events, and maintain a healthy communication not only with the people around us but also with the Nature.
Did you ever have the experience of communicating with the Nature? It’s not that hard. When someone made your day the sky became so open, borderless, and so, so huge that you felt you could do anything. It’s your heart communicating with the Nature. The good feeling opened you up and invited the fresh and ever changing air of Nature to get into your system. You felt your heart was as huge as the sky above you.
Walk the roads of life, read things around you, and your WOW moment will come as if it is always there waiting for you to “discover.”
Read, read, read!!!

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