Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March Read\Patti 3

This book is what I call my Health Bible.  By following strictly what the doctor recommends diet and life style wise, I have lowered all of my blood panel results into the healthy range and lowered my blood pressure to a good level.  However, when I go off the regime, I see my blood pressure creep up and my blood panel results increase in the numbers, so to live and age as healthy as I can, I am happy to follow the doctor’s wise advice.
Title: Stop Inflammation Now!” (A Step-by-Step Plan to Prevent, Treat, and Reverse Inflammation – the Leading Cause of Heart Disease and Related Conditions
Author(s): Richard M. Fleming M.D.; Tom Monte
Call number: 616.0473 F598S 2004
Subjects: Inflammation--Popular works; Coronary Heart Disease-Prevention--Popular Works; Arteries--Prevention-Popular Works
Number of Pages: 298
ISBN: 0399151117\Paperback
Patti's Read:
        The doctor explains that a diet in what he calls Phase One, consisting of only fruits and vegetables with certain supplements brings down the things like a high cholesterol level, a high triglycerides level and all the other levels of the things that go into the arteries, damage them and can cause a narrowing of the arteries and blood clots and eventually strokes or heart attacks.
            Also, the diet gets weight off and down to a healthy level.  He talks of research that has shown that cancers and diabetes can be helped or prevented by following a vigorous healthy life style.
            On Phase One, one should avoid all animal foods as they have saturated fat, all oils, all processed foods and flour products, pasta and oatmeal, dairy products, and all sugar.  One should not eat after 7 PM to prevent the body from turning that food to fat and triglycerides.
            In Phase Two, if one choses to not stay with Phase One, the only additions are very small amounts of low-fat dairy and small amounts of fish, chicken or lean meat, walnuts, and small amounts of healthy oils are allowed.
            Of all the health books and books on heart disease, this is the easiest to understand and the simplest to follow.  I am so glad I came across it.  My copy is well worn and well used.  I am healthier and have more energy and a healthy body weight.


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