Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ms. Patti said Hello from FL

Patti/Thanksgiving in Florida at her church
Gratitude to Patti for this wonderful picture. It seems Ms Patti seamlessly blends in in the tropical state with joy and happiness. The WOW Reading Club is her group and we all missed Ms. Patti and her generosity.
Keep in touch, Ms. Patti.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November Read/2

Title: The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk!
Author: Ries, Al; Trout, Jack
Call Number: 658.8 R559T 1993
Subjects: Marketing
Book Description from amazon:
There are laws of nature, so why shouldn't there be laws of marketing?
As Al Ries and Jack Trout—the world-renowned marketing consultants and bestselling authors ofPositioning—note, you can build an impressive airplane, but it will never leave the ground if you ignore the laws of physics, especially gravity. Why then, they ask, shouldn't there also be laws of marketing that must be followed to launch and maintain winning brands? In The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, Ries and Trout offer a compendium of twenty-two innovative rules for understanding and succeeding in the international marketplace. From the Law of Leadership, to The Law of the Category, to The Law of the Mind, these valuable insights stand the test of time and present a clear path to successful products. Violate them at your own risk.
My Read:
The 22 laws are:
1. The law of leadership-It's better to be first than it is to be better
2. The law of the category-If you can't be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in
3. The law of the mind-It's better t be first in the mind than to be first in the marketplace
4. The law of perception- Marketing is not a battle of products, it's a battle of perception
5. The law of focus-The most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in the prospect's mind
6. The law of exclusivity- Two companies cannot own the same word in the prospect's mind
7. The law of the ladder-The strategy to use depends on which rung you occupy on the ladder
8. The law of duality-In the long run, every market becomes a two-horse race
9. The law of the opposite-If you're shooting for second place, your strategy is determined by the leader
10.-The law of division-Over time, a category will divide and become two or more categories
11. -The law of perspective-Marketing effects take place over an extended period of time
12. -The law of line extension-There's an irresistible pressure to extend the equity of the brand
13.-The law of sacrifice-You have to give up something in order to get something
14. -The law of attributes-For every attribute, there is an opposite, effective attribute
15. -The law of candor-When you admit a negative, the prospect will give you a positive
16.- The law of singularity-In each situation, only one move will produce substantial results
17. -The law of unpredictability-Unless you write your competitors' plans, you can't predict the future
18. -The law of success-Success often leads to arrogance, and arrogance to failure
19. -The law of failure-Failure is to be expected and accepted
20. -The law of hype-The situation is often the opposite of the way it appears in the press
21.-The law of acceleration-Successful programs are not built on fads, they're built on trends
22. -The law of resources-Without adequate funding an idea won't get off the ground

Monday, November 16, 2015

November Read

Title: The Evolving Self: A Psychology for the Third Millennium

Author: Csikszentamihalyi, Mihaly

Call Number: 155.7 C 958E 1993

Subjects: Genetic Psychology; Behavior Evolution

Book Description: From Publishers Weekly

In this wise, humane inquiry, Csikszentmihalyi ( Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience ) argues that genetically programmed behaviors that once helped humans adapt and multiply now threaten our survival. These traits include obsessions with food and sex, addiction to pleasure, excessive rationality and a tendency to focus on the negative. A University of Chicago psychology professor, the author also believes we must free our minds of cultural illusions such as ethnocentric superiority or identification with one's possessions. He urges readers to find ways to reduce the oppression, exploitation and inequality that are woven into the fabric of society. Further, he wants us to control the direction of human evolution by pursuing challenging activities that lead to greater complexity while opposting chaos and conformity. Each chapter concludes with self-help questions and mental exercises designed to help readers apply the insights of this literate manifesto to their daily lives.

My Read:

    The following is the one I found pretty interesting from page 292:

“Strange as it may seem, life becomes serene and enjoyable precisely when selfish pleasure and personal success are no longer the guiding goals. When the self loses in a transcendent purpose, it becomes largely invulnerable to the fears and setbacks of ordinary existence. Psychic energy becomes focused on goals that are meaningful, the advance order and complexity, that will continue to have an effect in the consciousness of new generations long after our departure from this world, even after we are long forgotten.”


Chez Ms. Kayla/11-16-15
At Ms. Kayla's/11-16-15
I felt grateful and proud at the same time as I was watching the pictures and the faces of each member's. We were informed that 3 "new members" will join the family this coming year of 2016. Is it wonderful?
Thank you my dear family members for inviting me to have lunch with you all.