Thursday, February 5, 2015

January Read/Ruby

Title: How a Library Work
Call Number: J027.4 S862H 2013
Title: Out and About At the Public Library
Call Number: J027.4 S 539O 2006

Ruby's notes and quotes from reading the two books:

There is a O'Hare Public Library in the little town of O'Hare. Stew Rabbit is a new visitor there, he bumps into a owl who works at the library and shows Stew how the place works.

    Checkout desk - You can get a library card, return books that you read, and check out or borrow new books.
    Sections - There are many different areas for different functions. Nonfiction and Fiction sections are for books. You can also use computers or tablets in the library. Multimedia area is for DVDs, Audiobooks and CDs. Most libraries have a separate children's section that includes books, magazines and DVDs especially for kids.

    Call number - Each library book has its own call number on its spine. The number tells where the book belongs, that means the book's address. All fiction books are shelved in alphabet order by the author's last name. Nonfiction call numbers have numbers and letters. Many libraries put books in order using the Dewey Decimal System. This system groups books by subject.

    You can keep books from library for three weeks, Videos and DVDs are checked out for one week, then they are due back. Something is overdue if it's not returned by its due date. At many libraries, you pay a fine for each day it's late. Libraries charge fines to help users remember to return things they borrow.

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