Sunday, May 26, 2013

Outreach Programs at a Local Sunday School

            “We should have you come to our school more often to do such outreach program.” This was the comment I got from not only the school’s principal but also from the school’s CEO who happened to visit the school on the same day of my visit. I felt thankful and ascertained that this is the right thing the public library should do for the communities.
            Outreach, to me, is a way positively and actively to make contact with the public, to make the library approachable and visible to not only the existent users but also to the non users who I consider to become the potential future public library users. The crowd excites me. Guess what would thrill me more? Questions come from the curious, from the hungry who want to learn about the public library and what we, the public servants can do to enrich their life. Personally curiosity and thirst for enrichment are paths for a happier and successful meaningful life a person is possible to live and run for.
            Graciously and considerately, at my second visit, the school invited me to join their semester end teacher appreciation dinner at the school. Teachers are assets of the school. I am thankful that the school made such effort to show their gratitude to the hard working teachers.
May 5, 2013
May 19, 2013

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