Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June Read/2

Title: Who Switched off My Brain: Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions
Author: Leaf, Caroline
Call Number: 153 L434W 2008
Subjects: Thought and thinking; Brain; Self-Actualization; Healing(psychological aspects)
Number of Pages: 143
ISBN: 9780980122329
Book Description (from
We're living in an epidemic of toxic emotions. Research shows that as much as 87% to 95% of mental and physical illnesses are a direct result of toxic thinking—proof that our thoughts affect us physically and emotionally.    
In this best-selling book, Dr. Caroline Leaf clearly communicates 13 ways to detox your thought life and live a life of physical, mental, and emotional wholeness.
My Read:
            活在當下-“To live at the present” is what I am feeling as I peruse the pages from page one til the last page. The table of contents tells the readers what’s inside the book and what to expect right from the beginning: chapter one-The Anatomy of a Thought; chapter two-The Growth of a Thought; chapter three-Thoughts Gone Wrong; chapter four-A Toxic Pathway; chapter five-Toxic Thoughts and Children; chapter six-Detox Your Brain!
            The chapters I find the most helpful are chapter two and chapter six. Chapter two details about how a thought is generated, how the thought goes to different parts of the brain, and how the thought becomes emotion, attitude, and then behavior. At chapter six the author gives the readers13 steps teaching the readers how to detox their brain. The 13 steps are as followed:
1-      Consciously control your thoughts: the author states thoughts create our mood. If we can have the habit of ask-answer-discuss with the self it can help us to control our thoughts and build strong memory. “Correct, positive thinking is also shown to “grow” your brain. The brain “grows” when new connections form. Even as you get older, you can continue to increase your intelligence without limits, as long as the input is positive and healthy.”-page 113 I agree with the author that learning is a lifelong process. We are able to acquire intelligence and wisdom as long as we maintain a positive attitude toward life matters. When we leave this material world what do we carry over? It’s a question I keep on asking myself. The energy never vanishes. So are intelligence and wisdom we gather from living in this world.
2-      Frame your world with your words. The author says: positive thinking means congruent thinking.
3-      Express those emotions. The author repeats here that many disorders and illnesses originate from suppressing one’s emotions and feelings.
4-      Take responsibility and take control
5-      Dream on. The author suggests that dreams are conversations between the body and mine.
6-      Think forgiveness. “Forgiveness is a choice, an act of your free will. It enables you to release all those toxic thoughts of anger, resentment, bitterness, shame, grief, regret, guilt and hate. These emotions hold your mind in a nasty, vice-like grip. Most importantly, as long as these unhealthy toxic thoughts dominate your mind, you will not be able to grow new healthy thoughts and memories.”-page 122
7-      Love-tune into your heart. Follow your heart is advised by the author
8-      Monkey-hug therapy. “Good touching releases the body’s natural chemicals in a healing process that optimizes your feelings of well-being.” –page 128
9-      Play and laugh. “Our emotions are what connect us and give us a sense of unity, a feeling that we are part of something greater.”-page 129
10-  Exercise
11-  Diet
12-  The spiritual aspect
13-  Relax!
To be positive is not just some advice or words we keep on repeating; it’s an attitude of living. And it’s the best advice my mentor has ever passed to me!!

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