Thursday, November 15, 2012

It Paid Off!

            As competitive as I have been, Jennifer asked me about one of the books on the request list that both of us failed to find today before she called it a day. “I will give it another try before my shift is over tonight.” I told Jennifer that I wouldn’t give up too soon.
            The Spirit of Luck must have made a stop-by at the library today for I did locate the book at 7:55 pm, five minutes before we closed. The sight of it hidden behind books was a thrill; I almost could feel the joy generated by the eyes then the image was transmitted to my brain that distributed the excitement and happiness to the rest of my body. On the way back to the page working area to process the request I felt my body was five pounds lighter thinking of the increasing of deposits in my saving account called “sense of achievement.” It’s a joint account I have shared with Jennifer whose goals of serving better the patrons are a match of mine. Though Jennifer was around as it took place tonight the picture I took of the book would definitely make her day tomorrow as she comes back to work. Yeah!!
            How did I make it? The hunt and search of an item of interest start from the search of item record and the bibliography full display. The former one will tell a person when the last active day is and briefly tell the possible format of an item from the listed price. Further search of an item’s full display will tell some information about the dimension of a book, alternatives of author’s name and titles. The given picture attached to a book or a CD serves as a bonus catch. It would provide not only the cover of an item but also possible colors of a book’s spine.
            The book of interest of today is a holiday book. The dimension is 20 * 25 and the format is paperback. Earlier today, I searched all possible shelves: from holiday areas, to children’s paperback areas, children’s pictures book areas, and the usual nonfiction areas. The final search was focus on the holiday shelves. My tactics was quite simple when possible approaches failed: I turned every book to see its cover and to make sure there was no book hidden leaving behind. Right after I turned and looked at the sixth or seventh book, I spotted a small and thin book behind and sandwiched between books. Its back was facing me as if it was laughing at me by mooning. “Ha, got you!” The joy and thrill were spontaneous and instant.
            At each success of finding an item the message was clear and straightforward to me: it would make a person pleased that what s/he reserved was found. The patrons don’t have to learn about the detail of such search and hunt. Still, the search and hunt thrill me for it’s similar to a fine work of a diligent and determined inspector or detective. The arts of observation, analysis and deduction are put into practice and make things happen.
            Though a perfect score of filling every item on the request is not always the thrill of challenge and joy of meeting goals are drives Jennifer and I share. We learned from each other’s skills and experiences. The sense of partnership started at an unknown time yet its impact changed the way we dealt with things at hand. Positive thinking empowers us.
            The hard work just paid off!

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