Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oslo and Heather

            I met a new friend today; his name is Oslo. Though I saw him many times at the library never did I have the chance to introduce myself or say hello to him. Something magical must be loitering in the library for out of no blue I stopped by the table, found the courage, knelt down, and said hi to this new, cute friend. Oslo is nine months old and he is a dog with shiny a black fur coat. I knew he must be a guide dog for there is this special collar around his neck and he is always leashed whenever he is in the library.
            Heather is the name of Oslo’s trainer. From the beginning I thought this young lady is some kind of tutor or a teacher for she is always with some kid working at a table in the house. Distracted by friendly and playful Oslo I forgot to ask Heather. Heather is a volunteer dog trainer. She told me there will be another 5 to 6 months for Oslo ready for next training. Then Oslo will become a trained guide dog for the blind. I gained plenty of messages and knowledge from the conversation I had with Ms. Heather. There are dog raisers, volunteer trainers, and well raised and trained dogs served for the disadvantaged people. This bright side of human beings and creatures is the reason keeping me happily working in the library. Benevolent acts and generous and giving hearts are always in need and their silent yet powerful and positive forces bring more best out of people.
            A dog, systematically and skillfully trained, can make a poor person live in richer condition and status. If an animal, like a dog, can give a hand to the poor, we, as the human beings, are surely capable of helping our own fellow beings. Working in the public library offers me immense opportunity to exercise the lesson called humanity on people around me. They are my coworkers, supervisors, patrons, and friends.
            Positive thinking helps me overcome threats from negative forces. Instead of being dragged down or feeling sad I have pity on people with negative aura. Seeing and observing with my own eyes and heart, I have been learning how to hear and listen to people. Sometimes I would walk a patron to the door exchanging goodbyes even when this is my first time meeting this person. On the other hand, there are others whom I have known for quite sometimes and I still didn’t know who they are. Is it instinct or something else driving me to behave certain way to different people?
            Life is beautiful for there are so many mysteries to meet, divide, and conquer. Thanks to people, known or unknown, my life is like cooking a special dish with a variety of materials, ingredients, and spices. Yesterday I might have something bitter, today something cold and tasted funny, who knows what’s waiting for me tomorrow? If something bad happens it’s my own choice not to savor it. Forget about it, let it pass and move on. If something good takes place it’s also my choice to share it with my friends and family and register it to my memory. Choice is optional for you are the one to make the decision which side you will take.
            Spicy, warm, or very green on your plate today? You decide!  

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